Catherine Grillot-Courvalin, MD, PhD, is Emeritus Associate Professor (CNRS) and Invited Researcher at the Pasteur Institute. After a residency in Pediatrics at Paris University Hospitals, she was a Research Fellow in Immuno-Pediatrics at the Children Hospital (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA), in Immuno-Haematology at Hôpital Saint-Louis (Paris), and in the Department of Immunology at the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic (La Jolla, California). She joined the Department of Microbiology (Unité des Agents Antibactériens) at the Institut Pasteur as an Associate Professor in 1995. She and her collaborators have reported and studied direct gene and protein transfer from bacteria to mammalian cells. She also determined the impact on bacterial fitness and virulence of vancomycin resistance in enterococci and of RND efflux systems in Acinetobacter baumannii. Since 2003 she serves as an expert at the French Institutional Review Board CPP IdF1-Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu (Paris) and as its President since 2018. She has been involved in the organization of the ICARe course since its first edition in 2016, in particular in the interaction with the students before registration, during the course and its evaluation.