The  8th course is scheduled October 19-27, 2024
Highlights of the 2022 ICARe course edition.

ICARe Course 2022

October 15-23, 2022.

41 participants, 16 women, 25 men from 12 countries
39 faculty from 13 countries


J. Ambler, ContraFect, USA; D. Andes, University of Wisconsin, USA; T. Bachmann, Edinburgh Med. School, UK; B. Bechinger, Stasbourg U., France; S. Brisse, Institut Pasteur, France; E. Brown, McMaster University, Canada; M. Brown, Flinders University, Australia; L. Burrows, McMaster University, Canada; R. Canton, Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Spain; G. Challis, University of Warwick, UK; J.P. Charrier, bioMerieux, France; J.-F. Collet, Université de Louvain, Belgique; P. Courvalin, Institut Pasteur, France; L. Debarbieux, Institut Pasteur, France; J.-D. Docquier, University of Siena, Italy; D. de Felice, CARB-X, Italy; J. Fernandez, Eligo-bioscience, France; M. Fisher, St Georges University, UK; M. Gilmore, Harvard Medical School, USA; Y. Grad, Harvard Medical School, USA; L. Hall-Stoodley, Ohio State University, USA; D. Hughes, Uppsala University, Sweden; M. de Kraker, Hopitaux de Genève, Switzerland; S. Lahiri, Johnson & Johnson, USA; F. Lebreton, Army Institute of Resarch, USA; S. Lory, Harvard Medical School, USA; A. Mankin, University of Illinois, USA; H. Moser, Novartis, USA; A. Myers, Harvard University, USA; S. Nambiar, Johnson & Johnson, USA; R. Patel, Mayo Clinic, USA; M. Pinho, Universidad Nova de Lisboa, Portugal; S. Projan, Beat the Reaper LLC, USA; J. Rex, F2G, UK; H.-G. Sahl, University of Bonn, Germany; M.-W. Tan, Genentech/Roche, USA; U. Theuretzbacher, CEFAIA, Austria; N. Vàzquez-Laslop, University of Illinois, USA; G. Wright, McMaster University, Canada;


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